So You Want to Be a Writer

by Australian Writers' Centre
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Made by the Australian Writers’ Centre, this podcast covers the world of writing, publishing and blogging. It’s presented by Valerie Khoo and Allison Tait, who – with over 40 years of writing experience between them – approach all episodes with a big dose of pragmatism, often drawing on their own experiences or those of a writerly friend.

With over 300 episodes in the bank, the show has become a vital resource for writers – especially those with the particular professional aspirations often found around writers’ centres. Each episode discusses writing tips, new developments in the publishing world, advice on how to succeed, interviews with writers at the top of their game and often, a spot of gossip.

Khoo and Tait are generous with the knowledge they offer; Khoo is the Writers’ Centre’s CEO, while Tait is a widely-published author. As hosts, they share a great rapport and have built a strong community of listeners.