
by Bec Fary
@sleeptalkerpod Facebook

SleepTalker is a podcast ‘about sleep, dreams, nightmares and what happens in your head after dark.’

Really, though, it’s as much about the things that frame the experience of sleep – the compromises we make with those we sleep with, the anxieties, disorders and distractions that keep us from a good night’s rest, or the ways in which we work with the experiences we have while asleep – and how they affect our waking lives.

Mostly, episodes (released roughly monthly) are presented as edited single-voice stories stripped of the interviewer’s voice – with subtle sound design and music in the mix, too – but there’s a compelling sense of variation between (and sometimes within) its dozen-odd episodes to date.

Each runs for 10–20 minutes, enough to enjoy over a cup of tea or to lay in bed with. A word of advice, though: if you experience drowsiness, do not drive a vehicle or operate heavy machinery.