Wendy Carlisle has been wandering the hallways of ABC RN, producing – amongst others – Phillip Adams at Late Night Live. After Adams wrote her a reference that was not in her interest to use, she joined Background Briefing down the corridor – where she is now the show’s executive producer.
Some of her Background Briefing stories include the silicone breast implant scandal, ‘When a breast implant maker goes rogue‘; ‘The Lord Monckton roadshow‘, ‘The climate engineers‘, ‘Julian Assange: the man who played with fire‘ and ‘The boy from Christmas island‘.
Wendy has also been a TV reporter with Four Corners where she made a number of programmes including ‘Holy cash cows‘ – which examined the dirty secrets behind Australia’s education export industry – and ‘A lethal miscalculation‘, the story behind the Federal Government’s multi-billion dollar home insulation debacle.
Most recently, she was the lead journalist on the ABC’s first data journalism project, ‘Coal seam gas by the numbers’.