Ninah developed her passion for podcasts on trains. When she started studying a combined Journalism and International studies degree in 2014, she never considered radio might be for her. But when she first stepped into the studios of 2SER and saw (and more importantly, heard) radio being made, she changed her mind. The final blow was when her stint with community radio and current affairs (mainly producing stories for The Wire and for 2SER’s Think programs) brought her into contact with seasoned podcast lovers, who filled up her phone with new stories and ideas.
From then on, her daily commute was full of incredible sound; from the funny to the mesmerising and she knew she wanted to make that same experience for others. 2017 is taking her away from 2SER and Sydney to Buenos Aires, where she will be studying and practising her Spanish. But her audio equipment will be going with her, and she will be on the lookout for new stories to tell.

Ninah learned to love radio in the studios of 2ser where she first came into contact with passionate podcast listeners who filled up her phone with stories and ideas. From then on her daily commute was full of incredible sound, from the funny to the mesmerising, and she knew she wanted to create that same experience for others. She was a producer for 2ser’s first investigative podcast, Just Words, as well as national current affair program The Wire and 2ser’s Think programmes. After a year taking in the rapid rhythms of Buenos Aires, and learning some new tricks of the trade with award-winning sound artist Diego Cannizzaro, Ninah is back in Sydney. She is the current Executive Producer of Fourth Estate and is excited to be part of the team making History Lab.