Someone once described Emily as the Hunter S. Thompson of weird food science, which is not too far off seeing as she likes likes making pizzas out of chips and ranking Arnott’s Shapes definitively. She loves writing, eating and thinking of ideas (not all food related but mostly food related).
Emily works in the digital publishing and creative advertising worlds and is currently the Commercial Editor at Broadsheet. Previously, she was a Senior Creative at Right Angle Studio and the Creative Social Media Lead at Clemenger BBDO Melbourne. She was also the Social Media Manager at Lifelounge Agency where she worked on campaigns for the Transport Accident Commission, and publications like the youth culture websites Lifelounge, the Vine and Everguide.
Emily has created her own website where she reviews food with emojis. There is a handy English translation if you are emoji-illiterate.
Emily writes stories about snack fights on Snackdownnn and is the co-host of the podcast Ingredipedia.